
المركز الإعلامي لمجلس الوزراء: مصر على أعتاب تحقيق الحلم النووي

The Cabinet Media Center confirmed that in light of Egypt’s vision and strategy to possess peaceful nuclear energy and realize its nuclear dream on the ground, the state has worked on making optimal use of its resources through balanced equations to create various conditions and overcome challenges to complete its ambitious nuclear project, and turn to that industry and technology. The strategy is part of its plans aimed at diversifying new and renewable energy sources, achieving sustainable economic development, and supporting its tireless efforts to confront climate change.


This came in the report published by the Cabinet Media Center, Today, Saturday, in infographics titled “Egypt is on the cusp of realizing the nuclear dream, more than 60 years after the launch of the idea.” In light of the state’s strategy to diversify energy sources.


The center explained that this, in turn, ensures the achievement of many economic, social and environmental gains, which contributes to providing an attractive environment for investments and opening more areas. To provide job opportunities, in addition to protecting the Egyptian economy from the fluctuations of the global energy market, and placing Egypt on the global nuclear energy map, which in turn received wide international praise for Egypt’s efforts in this file. 


The report reviewed the positive vision of international institutions for the Egyptian nuclear program, and the United Nations Development Program praised in 2021 the state’s provision of all required energy sources with a focus on clean energy, such as the Dabaa nuclear power plant project, which is considered among the most important national projects since 2014. 


For its part, Rosatom stated: In 2022, the Dabaa station is the first nuclear power station in Egypt with a capacity of 4.8 gigawatts, which enables Egypt to diversify energy sources and improve dependence on the national energy supply system, while General Electric explained… In 2018, the Dabaa Nuclear Power Plant will help implement Egypt’s plan to diversify its energy sources by supplying the Egyptian grid with reliable, carbon-free, low-cost energy.


In turn, the agency confirmed The International Atomic Energy Agency said in 2022 that the Dabaa project will contribute to achieving sustainable development goals, which include providing clean energy, increasing reliance on low-carbon sources, in addition to creating local job opportunities during the project’s construction period, noting that in 2019 Egypt intensified its efforts to develop its infrastructure from In order to build its nuclear program, which enjoys strong support from the government and a clear commitment to safety and security, it also highlighted that Egypt has put in place comprehensive national legislation and made contractual arrangements to build and operate its first nuclear power plant.  On a related level, the report touched on the positive vision of international officials for the Egyptian nuclear program, as Russian President Vladimir Putin said in 2024, “The construction of the first nuclear plant in Egypt is an important symbol of Russian-Egyptian cooperation, as its implementation will contribute to the development of the Egyptian economy and will enhance Its sovereignty in the field of energy, in addition to providing more job opportunities, and this project is also a pioneer in the field of bilateral cooperation with Egypt.” This comes while the Director General of the International Atomic Energy Agency, Rafael Grossi, confirmed in 2021 that Egypt is moving forward with an ambitious nuclear program, and that he is very happy with the program because it is considered a new development in the work between Egypt and the International Atomic Energy Agency, in addition to his confirmation in 2022 that the Egyptian state has A nuclear power station is a major development for a leading country in the world like Egypt, explaining that with the implementation of the Dabaa project, Egypt will have clean energy for hundreds of years, in addition to a large investment in capital, and that the Dabaa project will serve as a greater source of energy power for Egypt.


In turn, the General Director of Rosatom confirmed: Russian Alexei Likhachev said that the Dabaa nuclear power plant project is a pioneering project for Russian-Egyptian cooperation, and will provide electricity to national facilities and projects, and will increase the national domestic product, in addition to many broad impacts of this project, and providing many job opportunities.


The head of the International Atomic Energy Agency’s expert team, Jose Bastos, in 2020 appreciated Egypt’s good progress in the construction phase of its first nuclear power plant, while the Director General of the World Nuclear Association, Sama Bilbao y Leon, in 2022, considered the Dabaa station A very important step in Egypt’s path to meeting its energy needs by generating low-carbon, affordable nuclear energy 24 hours a day. 


This comes as the report highlights the vision The Egyptian strategy for the nuclear file, as President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi affirmed in 2024 that this historical moment will remain immortal in the history and memory of this nation, and a witness to the will of this great people, who with their determination, determination and effort made history throughout the ages, and today they are writing a new history by achieving a dream. Many Egyptians have long wanted to own peaceful nuclear plants. Prime Minister Dr. Mostafa Madbouly pointed out in 2021 that the Egyptian nuclear program has been the subject of care and attention for many decades as one of the pillars and strategic options to enhance development plans, and that Egypt is one of the first countries to realize, since the beginning of the 1950s, the importance of using nuclear energy.


The Minister of Electricity and Renewable Energy, Dr. Mohamed Shaker, confirmed in 2024 that the start of the first concrete pour for the fourth unit of the Dabaa nuclear project and the laying of the foundation stone for the Dabaa nuclear power plant project are an achievement that represents a bright sign on the path to implementing the nuclear program. Al-Masry, whereby Egypt moves to the major construction stage as the first nuclear station to generate electrical energy in the Arab Republic of Egypt. As for the Chairman of the Nuclear Power Plants Authority, Dr. Amjad Al-Wakil in 2023, he pointed out that the Dabaa nuclear station project has a positive impact on technological development and the development of the Egyptian industry through a long-term program to establish nuclear stations in which the rates of local manufacturing increase in each new unit according to a clear and committed plan.   For his part, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Nuclear Power Plants Authority for Operation and Maintenance, Mohamed Ramadan, Deputy General of 2022, explained that the reactor of the Dabaa nuclear station is classified as one of the reactors with an advanced third-generation design, which is considered the highest achievement of nuclear technology used in the world. 


The report reviewed an overview of the Dabaa nuclear plant project, indicating that it is located in Matrouh Governorate on the Mediterranean coast, where the plant consists of four developed third-generation nuclear reactors, with a total production capacity of It has 4,800 megawatts, while the operational life of the reactor is 60 years and extends to 80 years. 


He indicated that the contracts for implementing the station will be financed according to the governmental financial agreement between the Egyptian government and the Egyptian government. Russia, and the loan will be repaid within 22 years of profits after commercial operation, noting that the main general contractor for implementing the project is Rosatom. Russian Nuclear Energy Company.  He stated that the Dabaa station is the safest in the world through the technology used for the station from the developed third generation (VVER-1200), which is the current highest technology and is characterized by the highest levels of nuclear safety, in addition to the presence of passive safety systems that do not depend on the presence of electrical energy and are not subject to error. It operates automatically, in addition to a high tolerance to external influences, such as the collision of a 400-ton plane at a speed of 150 m/s, in addition to a high tolerance to natural phenomena such as tsunamis, earthquakes, and hurricanes, in addition to full compliance with the safety requirements of the International Atomic Energy Agency.


The report showed the state’s steps in implementing the Dabaa nuclear station project, where a governmental agreement was signed between the Egyptian and Russian governments to establish the first nuclear power station to generate electricity in Egypt in November 2015, then the main contract for engineering, construction and supplies was signed. In December 2016, with the project contracts entering into force in December of the following year, while March 2019 witnessed the issuance of the Dabaa Site Selection Acceptance Permit (SAP) from the Egyptian Nuclear and Radiological Regulatory Authority, the International Atomic Energy Agency’s expert team also completed the integrated mission to review the nuclear infrastructure in November of the same year.  According to the report, the steps also include starting to implement the marine pier to receive the components of the nuclear plant and starting its activation in July of 2020, while the manufacturing of the long-term equipment “reactor core trap” has begun. In July 2021, the manufacturing of the reactor vessel for the first unit in the Dabaa nuclear station began in April 2022, while July of the same year witnessed the first concrete pouring of the first nuclear unit in the Dabaa station, and November of the same year also witnessed the first concrete pouring of the second nuclear unit in the station.&nbsp


He added that the first long-term equipment “reactor core trap” had been received. For the first unit on the Specialized Marine Pier in March 2023, the first concrete pour for the third nuclear unit of the Dabaa station was completed in May of the same year.


In a related context, and according to the report, Egypt joined The Convention on Nuclear Safety (CNS) in September 2023, while October of last year witnessed the installation of the first long-term nuclear equipment at the Dabaa station, which is the reactor core trap for the first nuclear unit, in addition to the installation of the reactor core trap for the second nuclear unit in November of the same year, and the casting was completed. The first concrete batch of the station’s fourth nuclear unit took place in January 2024, and the year 2028 is scheduled to witness the actual operation of the first reactor, with the project being completed in 2030. The report highlighted the returns from the Dabaa nuclear station project on the various sectors, Regarding the return on the energy sector, the report indicated that more than 90% of the year’s hours are used by the project, which makes it one of the important sources of electricity production, and that it helps the country diversify energy sources by relying on clean energy sources instead of traditional energy, in addition to the low cost of generating electricity. One kilowatt of nuclear energy compared to a kilowatt from other sources. 

The report added that nuclear energy is not exposed to fluctuations in fuel prices like gas-powered power plants, indicating that if natural gas prices rose by 100% The cost of electricity in a gas-powered station will rise by about 60-70%, and if the market price of natural uranium doubles, the increase in cost will be less than 10%.

He pointed out that the operational life of the station is 60 years and extends to 80 years. year, which is three times that of traditional plants, and nuclear energy is reliable as it is not subject to climate or time changes like renewable energy.  In terms of environmental returns, the report stated that the nuclear plant is environmentally friendly compared to traditional plants because it does not produce environmentally destructive gases such as carbon, sulfur and nitrogen oxides. Nuclear energy also plays an important role in confronting climate change and reducing global warming, in addition to contributing to achieving sustainable development, as well as On achieving the goals of the Paris Climate Agreement 2015. In terms of economic and industrial returns, according to the report, it includes reaching 20% ​​of the local manufacturing rate for the first unit, reaching 35% for the fourth nuclear unit, in order to transfer expertise to national companies and introduce nuclear energy technology to the country. It is also expected to provide The project creates no less than 12 thousand job opportunities in the construction stages, and 3 thousand job opportunities with operation, in addition to thousands of indirect job opportunities provided by the project in complementary and auxiliary industries. 

The returns are also included according to the report. Preserving energy resources of petroleum and natural gas and maximizing the added value through the use of petroleum and natural gas as an irreplaceable raw material in the petrochemical and fertilizer industries, and developing the Egyptian industry, as the entry of nuclear technology into Egyptian factories will lead to an increase in the quality of the industry. The report explained that the development of nuclear energy contributes to the growth of scientific research and national intellectual capabilities, as well as training Egyptian cadres in nuclear energy technologies and transferring Russian expertise to operate, maintain and manage nuclear reactors, in addition to registering more than 350 Egyptian companies on the website designated for registering companies that wish to Work on the project, and a number of Egyptian companies are currently carrying out work on the site and other companies are carrying out some of the necessary supply work for the project. 

This comes as the return on the education sector is represented by the establishment of the first advanced technical school for nuclear energy technology in Egypt and the East. Middle School “Nuclear Energy Technology School in Dabaa” To graduate technical cadres in nuclear energy, the duration of study is 5 years, and the number of students in one batch annually ranges from 50 to 75 students, while the school includes 3 departments: electricity, mechanics, and electronics. The school’s teachers were also trained by the Atomic Energy Authority with the assistance of Specialists from the Nuclear Power Plants Authority.   

للمزيد : تابع خليجيون 24 ، وللتواصل الاجتماعي تابعنا علي فيسبوك وتويتر

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