
الأحزاب السياسية: الحوار الوطني نقلة نوعية في مفهوم التعددية والمشاركة في صنع القرار

The political parties confirmed that the national dialogue succeeded in containing all intellectual and political visions in a uniquely democratic manner, melting all ideological differences for the benefit of the nation, laying the foundation for development and progress, and providing a platform for addressing the challenges facing the nation.


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Rep. Major General Ahmed Al-Awadi, Chairman of the Defense and National Security Committee in the House of Representatives, First Deputy Chairman of the Homeland Protectors Party, said that two years have passed since President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi’s call for the national dialogue, in its first and second stages, has made A solid and cohesive internal front that is moving at a steady pace towards national goals based on common denominators among all components of society from all walks of life. Its sessions resulted in important recommendations in the areas of political, economic, societal and developmental life and served as the nucleus for economic and investment plans that reflect a stable life for the Egyptian people with a vision to confront all challenges. Which the citizen feels, and setting a road map for national action towards building the new republic.


Al-Awadhi added to Rose Al-Yousef that the national dialogue helped to strengthen unity, cooperation and a common vision between the various political forces and those It is important to build on these achievements and continue working for a more comprehensive and prosperous society.


Al-Awadhi continued, the fruits of the dialogue appeared in the broad and large participation in the presidential elections, and the completion of reform and development projects, In light of the changes taking place in the region, he pointed out that the Egyptian state has recently witnessed an unusual political movement and activity stemming from the availability of a supportive political environment prepared to accommodate everyone without exception or exclusion of anyone.


Counselor Hussein Abu Al-Atta, head of the “Egyptians” Party and member of the executive office of the Egyptian Parties Alliance, confirmed that President Abdel Fattah Al-Sisi’s announcement of the start of the national dialogue sessions two years ago was tantamount to opening the door to channels of communication with all national forces despite his death under the slogan “difference in “Opinion does not spoil the nation’s cause,” thus confirming the building of an Egyptian model of openness and political, economic, and societal reform. This model has been progressing from the beginning until now according to an integrated philosophy and dynamic between the three paths.


He said that one of the basic features that distinguished the “National Dialogue” What made it a model of a special nature in the Middle East region is that it acquired a systematic, institutional character that was subject to a number of governing rules that ensured its continuity and success over the past two years. Among these rules was the self-establishment of the Board of Trustees of the National Dialogue, and the establishment of governing references for the dialogue, the first of which was adherence to the Egyptian Constitution. The second is to exclude the forces that practiced violence, participated in it, or incited it.


He added that the national dialogue went through many problems that sought to stop it or divert it to wrong paths other than the one it had been taking all along. The past two years, but the skill of the Board of Trustees of the National Dialogue and the references upon which the dialogue was founded, placed all the crises and conflicts that attempted to undermine the idea of ​​dialogue between national forces in their correct context, and reused them for the public interest in a way that serves the interest of the nation and benefits the goals of the dialogue for which it was launched.< /p>


He pointed out that the national dialogue took into account the important lessons that emerged on the scene from the period of January 2011 until July 2013, which produced a state of instability and chaos to the point of threatening the identity of the land. Civilizations, and construction began from there, declaring his rejection of the imbalance that occurred at that time in the arrangement of priorities and the distortion that occurred to the process of democratic transformation in the country, and its reduction to sub-issues that do not express a real approach to building a true, sustainable democracy.






He explained that true democracy is based on the complementary relationship with the issue of development, as it is the most pressing issue in Egypt, and it is an important goal for the national dialogue. However, for this, an appropriate environment must be created in which citizens can develop their full capabilities and live productive and creative lives that are compatible with… With their needs and interests, not only at the economic level, but also in all aspects of implementing human rights, political and social.


He concluded: “National dialogue is one of the features of the new republic based on solidarity between the state.” And society, and joint work in order to achieve development, prosperity and comprehensive renaissance that the country is witnessing in all fields, by promoting the concept of dialogue called for by President Sisi to reach a future road map on issues of national action and public issues that aim to raise the standard of living of the citizen as it is the goal and tool of development. At the same time, this is what actually borne fruit over the course of two years through the recommendations that came out in many files and resolved many outstanding issues, whether political, economic or social.



Major General Dr. Reda Farhat, Vice President of the Congress Party and Professor of Political Science, said that the national dialogue represents a purely Egyptian situation that achieves the ambitions of the new republic and enjoys the support of President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi, to address the political, social and economic challenges facing the nation through… The participation of all national forces and components of society in expressing their opinion on the map of national priorities, discussing these issues, and searching for solutions to them in a comprehensive manner, which had a profound impact on unifying the internal front, to confront security and regional challenges and risks.


He added: The national dialogue began at the invitation of President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi on April 26, 2022, during the Egyptian family’s iftar party, and it continues until today, and over the course of two years, during which the president responded to a large number of outcomes and proposals that influenced political life, indicating that the fruits of the dialogue appeared. In the broad and large political and public participation in the presidential elections, and the honorable competition of the heads of three parties in the last presidential elections, and the completion of reform and development projects. The National Dialogue, its committees, and its Board of Trustees also agreed on the recommendations of the necessity of quickly issuing the local popular councils law, quickly holding their elections, and agreeing on the electoral system. For local popular councils, which combines the closed absolute list at a rate of 75%, and the relative list, which is incomplete at a rate of 25%, and discusses and works to find common ground to work in the interest of the nation.


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He added that another important achievement of the national dialogue was the development of a common vision for the future of the nation, as the participants were able to identify the main priorities and challenges facing the Egyptian state and worked together to develop strategies and action plans to address these issues. This helped in creating a sense of the issues facing nation and laying the foundation for development and progress in the future.


He pointed out that looking to the future, it is important to build on the achievements of the National Dialogue and continue working towards a more inclusive and prosperous society, and it is necessary to ensure the sustainability of the gains. Which was achieved through dialogue and not losing momentum for change, and this will require continued commitment and cooperation from everyone, as well as willingness to reach compromise solutions and find common ground.


Farhat concluded: The National Dialogue A valuable initiative that helped strengthen unity, cooperation, and a shared vision among various political forces, laid the foundation for future development and progress, and provided a platform to address the major challenges facing our country. Moving forward, it is important to build on these achievements and continue working toward a more inclusive and prosperous society.



Councilor Reda Saqr, head of the Union Party, said that the moment of the call for national dialogue about two years ago, which came from President Sisi, was It serves as a reunion of national forces, which were able to provide visions and perceptions of the Egyptian reality, which is going through many crises at all levels, affected by the conflicts and changes the world is witnessing.


Saqr added, "Saqr" In exclusive statements to Rosa Al-Youssef, the national dialogue resulted in many issues on which consensus occurred, and in their regard, many recommendations were issued that the president promised to implement, whether on the political, economic, or social side.

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The head of the Union Party pointed out that, over the past two years, the national dialogue created a political movement that was absent from the parties, as we all suffered from the stagnation of partisan and political life, had it not been for that call that enriched the political field, expressing his hope and aspiration for the continuation of that movement. The dialogue situation, especially in light of the will of the political leadership.


Mohamed Ghazal, head of the Egypt 2000 Party, said that the national dialogue represents the "head of freedom" In the new republic, not only at the level of political reform, but he played a major and pivotal role in strengthening the language of dialogue and supporting what he called “democracy of shared spaces,” and that two years after the national dialogue, we can say explicitly that post-national dialogue Egypt is no longer like Egypt. He accepted that, and that the national dialogue will remain a milestone in Egyptian political life and in modern Egyptian history.



Ghazal added that one of the most important gains of the national dialogue is also It is to develop an integrated and comprehensive vision for the state’s files, as we now have 3 axes and 19 files under which hundreds of related issues fall, and the national dialogue was a "comprehensive assessment" For public forces and figures, between those who are good at rhetoric and those who have integrated visions and realistic solutions.



Mohamed Ghazal explained that the aspirations of the Egyptian citizen differed from those He has the right to dream of higher horizons than what has been achieved, and therefore everyone, whether the government, the executives, the legislature, as well as the political elites, must possess several characteristics, the most important of which is the ability to address public opinion and the ability to make public policies that have multiple dimensions and are integrated with the relevant legislative and executive environment.



The head of the Egypt 2000 Party stressed that after the beginning of a new term for President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi, Egypt is going through a new phase, which he described as a phase of “leadership.” After passing the “survival” stages, And “construction”, which is a different stage characterized by distinct characteristics and comes in light of varying internal, regional and international circumstances.



Mohamed Ghazal, head of the party, indicated Egypt 2000 and a member of the Egyptian Parties Alliance, stressed the need to accelerate the implementation of the recommendations and reactivate the specialized sessions in a way that contributes to crystallizing these perceptions and submitting them to the relevant authorities in order to quickly take appropriate measures to ensure that the citizen feels the results of the national dialogue and the impact of its recommendations on his daily life.

للمزيد : تابع خليجيون 24 ، وللتواصل الاجتماعي تابعنا علي فيسبوك وتويتر

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