
"معلومات الوزراء": 68% من الشباب العربي أعربوا عن اهتمامهم بقضية التغير المناخي

The Information and Decision Support Center of the Council of Ministers launched a new issue of its periodical, “A Look at Local and International Opinion Polls,” which included a selection of the most prominent results of opinion polls conducted by these global centers in various fields.



The issue included an opinion poll conducted by the "Arab Youth Center" In partnership with “Trends Center for Research and Consulting” On a sample of Arab youth in 9 Arab countries: “Egypt, Jordan, Sudan, Iraq, the Emirates, Saudi Arabia, Mauritania, Morocco, and Oman,” with the aim of measuring the Arab public’s awareness of climate change, its causes, and its potential consequences.



68% of Arab youth in the countries surveyed expressed their interest in the issue of climate change, and the Arab Gulf countries recorded the highest rates of interest, led by the UAE, then Saudi Arabia, Oman, and Jordan, with rates of 75% and 74%. And 71%, respectively, while this percentage in Egypt reached 68%.


70% of the sample also expressed their agreement that human activity is responsible for climate change, and the Sultanate of Oman recorded the highest The percentage is 77%, followed by Jordan and Mauritania with 73% each, then Sudan with 71%. This percentage in Egypt reached 63%. According to the survey, 34% of young people in the countries surveyed reported that they consume single-use materials, such as paper, packaging materials, and plastic bottles, with the aim of reducing harmful emissions, followed by the use of alternative means of transportation to the personal car, such as public transportation vehicles, cycling, and walking, 28%, and the same percentage included purchasing Home appliances that use low electricity.


55% of the Arab youth in the sample confirmed their willingness to work in a green job in the future (with the aim of preserving environmental sustainability), and this percentage was the highest Among the youth of Jordan, it was 63%, and in Sudan, it was 60%, and among the Egyptian youth, it was 50%, while 71% of the youth in the sample confirmed that they had been personally affected by climate change, and the highest percentage of those affected was from Sudan, 82%, followed by Jordan and Iraq, 77% each, and the percentage in Egypt was 72%. %.


52% of the young people surveyed believed that the responsibility for combating climate change falls on environmental institutions, followed by national governments, 45%, then global and regional organizations, 43%. As for personal responsibility in combating Climate change accounted for 31%.


The number was covered by an “Ipsos” survey. On a sample of British citizens to determine the extent of their support for their country’s exit from the European Union, where 57% of Britons believed that their country’s exit was a wrong decision, and 70% of Britons reported that their country’s exit from the European Union had a negative impact on the current economic conditions in their country, While only 12% saw that its impact was positive, and 55% of Britons saw that their country’s exit from the European Union had a negative impact on their country’s economic growth, compared to 21% who saw its impact as positive, and approximately 54% of the sample confirmed that their country’s exit from the European Union The European Union had a negative impact on their country’s position in the global arena, while 17% saw that exit had a positive impact, and 34% of the British sample saw that their country’s exit had a positive impact on their country’s ability to make its own decisions, compared to 32% who saw that it had a negative impact. .


The Information Center reviewed, through the issue, another YouGov survey. On a sample of British citizens to determine the extent of their support for their country launching attacks on the Houthis in Yemen after they shot down missiles on ships passing through the Red Sea, as 48% of the British citizens in the sample expressed their unawareness of the armed groups in Yemen launching missiles on ships in the Red Sea. In response, the United States of America and the United Kingdom launched air strikes on Houthi targets that threatened shipping, compared to 39% who expressed their knowledge of the events, and 60% of Britons supported their country’s government’s decision to send military forces to shoot down missiles launched from Yemen on sea freight ships.


The issue also reviewed the “Noork” Center’s poll. In cooperation with the Associated Press On a sample of American citizens to identify the most important issues that should be a priority for the government in 2024, 76% of Americans believe that the economic situation should come at the top of the government’s priorities during the year 2024, followed by foreign policy at 38%, then the political situation at 36%, immigration 35%, inflation and personal financial conditions came at 30%, each, and 85% of American Republicans believed that the economic situation should be on the government’s list of priorities during the year 2024, followed by immigration 55%, then foreign policy 46% and inflation 41 %, and 65% of American Democrats expressed that the economic situation should come at the top of the government’s priorities during the year 2024, followed by the political situation 39%, then environmental issues and climate change 36%, and foreign policy 34%. Only 5% expressed their confidence, either strongly or very, in the ability of the federal government to make progress regarding the important problems and issues facing their country during the year 2024, and approximately 24% of the sample expected that the year 2024 would be better on a personal level than the year 2023, and this percentage reached 37%. % among Republicans compared to 20% of independents and 13% of Democrats.


The Information Center highlighted the “PricewaterhouseCoopers” poll On a sample of executives in 105 countries around the world to learn about their expectations for economic conditions, supply chains, and the use of artificial intelligence in their companies, 45% of the executives believed that their companies would not be able to survive during the next ten years if they continued in their current state, and 45% of the executives expected Respondents to the sample believed that the GDP would change for the worse during the next twelve months, while 38% expected that the GDP would change for the better, and 56% of the executives in the sample believed that technological changes had led to changes in the way their companies were established, and that there would also be changes. in their added value during the next three years, followed by changes in customer preferences, 49%, and government regulations, 47%. 24% of the sample respondents expected that inflation and macroeconomic fluctuations would be among the main threats that their companies would face during the next twelve months, followed by cyber risks, 21%. Geopolitical conflicts 18%.


According to the survey, 58% of the sampled executives expected that artificial intelligence would improve the quality of products and services in their companies in the next 12 months, and 48% They expected that artificial intelligence would enhance their companies’ ability to build trust with stakeholders, while 64% of the executive directors in the sample expected that artificial intelligence would lead to increasing the efficiency of employees during work periods, and 59% expected that it would lead to an increase in their personal efficiency during work periods, and 46% saw It will lead to increased profits. 32% of the executives in the sample expressed their expectations that artificial intelligence will lead to a reduction in the number of employees in the field of entertainment media in their companies during the next twelve months, and 28% expect a reduction in the number of employees in banking, capital markets, the field of insurance, and the field of… Transportation and logistics services: 25%, and 64% of executives in the countries surveyed saw that artificial intelligence increases the risks of cybersecurity, and 52% saw that it leads to the spread of misinformation, and 46% saw that it increases the risks of legal obligations and the risks of the company’s reputation, and 41% confirmed Almost in the sample, their companies obtained low rates of return through environmentally friendly investment compared to other investments, compared to 59% who confirmed the opposite.


The center also highlighted the “Euro Center’s” survey. barometer" On a sample of European Union citizens to learn about their assessment of the importance of the humanitarian aid provided by the Union, especially in light of some European countries announcing the cessation of aid to UNRWA in conjunction with the deterioration of the humanitarian situation in Gaza, where 91% of citizens in 27 European countries saw that European Union funding Humanitarian aid activities are important, and Greece came at the top of the list of countries whose citizens see this with a percentage of 98%, followed by citizens of Malta, Cyprus, Slovenia and Ireland with a percentage of 97% each, then Sweden with a percentage of 95%.




56% of citizens in the European Union countries expressed their feeling of satisfaction that the European Union is one of the main donors of humanitarian aid in the world. 17% also indicated that they feel proud and 10% felt enthusiastic, and 71% of the citizens of the European Union countries reported that Providing humanitarian aid is more efficient if it is coordinated and provided by the European Union as a whole, and approximately 47% of the sample felt that the European Union should maintain the same level of aid it provides, and 40% believed that more should be spent on humanitarian aid, compared to only 8% They believed that less should be spent on humanitarian aid.


61% of European Union citizens expressed their confidence in television as a source of information about humanitarian aid, and 35% trusted articles published in the media. Print media, 33% trust radio, 29% trust documentaries, and 23% trust family and friends. 54% of the citizens in the sample believed that the assistance provided in the field of health care should come at the top of the list of humanitarian aid priorities, followed by food insecurity, 48%, and then confronting extreme climate phenomena. 44%, and forced displacement resulting from conflicts and violence 30%.


The number was addressed by a “YouGov” poll. On a sample of British citizens to find out their expectations regarding the possibility of the outbreak of a third world war during the period from five to ten years, against the backdrop of the expansion of conflict areas around the world, and on top of that, the war in Gaza and its consequences, especially with the expansion of the conflict in the Middle East, which raised questions about The possibility of the outbreak of a new world war. 53% of the citizens in the sample expected the outbreak of a third world war, and 59% of the British believed that in the event of a third world war, nuclear weapons would be used. On the other hand, about a quarter of the British (24%) said that they did not expect this, while 21% of Britons expected Russia, China and their allies to win, compared to 31% who expected Western countries and their allies to win in the event of a war between these parties. 38% of British citizens expected Western countries and their allies to win in the event of a war between them and China and its allies, while 15% expected China and its allies to win.


According to the poll, 44% of Britons expected the Western countries and their allies to win in the event of a war breaking out between them and Russia and its allies, compared to 13% who expected Russia and its allies to win in the event of a war between the two parties. 80% of the sample expressed that in the event of a third world war, Russia would be against the United Kingdom, followed by Iran against the United Kingdom at 68%, then China and North Korea against the United Kingdom at 64% each.


81% of Britons confirmed that in the event of a Third World War, the United States of America would be an ally of their country, followed by France 68%, then Germany 63%, Poland 59%, and Australia 57%.


The Center also discussed the “Chicago Council” poll. On a sample of American citizens to find out their view of the most important threats facing their country at the present time, 81% of Americans expressed their concern about the internal threats facing their country. This percentage increased among both Democrats and independents, 82% for each of them, while it decreased among Republicans 77 %, 19% of Americans expressed their concern about the external threats facing their country, and this percentage rose among Republicans, 23%, while it was equal between Democrats and independents, 17% each. Approximately 37% of the sample explained that they are worried about the occurrence of a nuclear war because of the danger it represents. A potential threat to humanity, followed by climate change 30%, then the presence of a deadly epidemic 16%, and artificial intelligence 14%, while 72% of citizens who believe that internal threats are what worries them said that electronic attacks on American computers represent a serious threat to vital American interests, followed by democratic concerns in Their country 69%, then political polarization 61%, China’s development as a global power 58%, and the decline of the global economy 54%.


The center monitored the “Natixis” company’s survey. On a sample of investors in 27 countries around the world to learn about their vision of the most important risks that their businesses are expected to face during the year 2024, where approximately 49% of the sample saw that geopolitical risks come at the top of the list of economic risks that their companies may face during the year 2024, followed by a slowdown in consumer spending. 48%, then the error in the policies of central banks was 42%, and 72% of the investors in the sample expected that the upcoming American elections would lead to increased market volatility. This percentage reached 79% in North America, and 71% of the investors in the sample expressed that the partisan division in the United States of America It will have a negative impact on global markets, and 62% of the investors in the sample expressed that rising interest rates come at the top of the list of risks in investment portfolios, followed by inflation 61%, then market fluctuations 45%, valuations 34%, and liquidity 25%, and 61% of the investors in the sample thought Markets in Asia other than China are among the best opportunities for investment during 2024 as emerging markets.

للمزيد : تابع خليجيون 24 ، وللتواصل الاجتماعي تابعنا علي فيسبوك وتويتر

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