أخبار الخليج

البحرين : في أول لقاء لصحيفة عربية وعالمية.. وزير الخارجية السوداني لـ «الوطن»: مواقف مشرّفة وقويّة للبحرين تجاه الخرطوم في المحافل الدولية

في أول لقاء لصحيفة عربية وعالمية.. وزير الخارجية السوداني لـ «الوطن»: مواقف مشرّفة وقويّة للبحرين تجاه الخرطوم في المحافل الدولية     

Anas Al-Aghbash

Convene a political consultation committee between the two countries when appropriate conditions exist

Coordination with neighboring countries to restore what “rapid support” looted from citizens

Preparing for transparent general elections in which the people choose who will govern them

UNITAMS committed serious mistakes that contributed to the outbreak of war, from which there is no return

Coordination with neighboring countries to restore what “rapid support” looted from citizens

Preparing for transparent general elections in which the people choose who will govern them

UNITAMS committed serious mistakes that contributed to the outbreak of war, from which there is no return

Acting Sudanese Foreign Minister Hussein Awad confirmed that the outcomes of the Arab Summit in its 33rd regular session, which Bahrain recently hosted under the chairmanship of His Majesty King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa, King of the country, will contribute to strengthening Arab solidarity, indicating that Bahrain’s positions are honorable and strong towards Sudan in forums. And regional and international platforms.

He added in a special interview with Al-Watan during his participation in the Arab Summit, which was the first interview for an Arab and international newspaper since he assumed the helm of the ministry on April 17, that work is underway to implement more than 20 agreements and memorandums of understanding between Bahrain and Sudan, for the benefit of my government. And the peoples of the two brotherly countries.

The Sudanese Foreign Minister-designate explained that the two countries are working to develop relations through a joint higher ministerial committee and another for bilateral consultation, stressing the existence of joint coordination at a high level in regional and international forums.

The Minister stressed that the Jeddah Initiative, sponsored by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the United States of America, remains the most appropriate to find solutions to end the ongoing war in Sudan, which has entered its second year, explaining at the same time that the Sudanese government has participated in it positively out of its keenness to end the humanitarian crisis caused by the rebel militia on the Sudanese people.

He pointed out that mobilizing energies and mobilizing the people to support the regular forces to defeat and end the rebellion and restore stability to Sudan is a priority at this stage, explaining that the rebel militia has committed many crimes against citizens, including stealing and plundering property and taking it outside Sudan, indicating that there is coordination with neighboring countries to recover property. Looted.

The Minister touched on the Israeli war on the Gaza Strip, calling in this regard for an immediate ceasefire in all Palestinian territories and an end to the Israeli aggression.

Awad stated that the war launched by the rebel militia against the Sudanese citizen led to a large internal displacement and asylum to neighboring countries, where some sister countries received large numbers of them, calling on the international community to put pressure on the rebel militia in order to adhere to what was agreed upon on May 11. 2023.

The following is the meeting:

To what extent has the level of coordination and joint relations between Bahrain and Sudan reached?
– The relations between Sudan and Bahrain are strong and well-established, and there is permanent communication between the leadership of the two countries and coordination at a high level in regional and international forums. The two countries are working to develop relations through various mechanisms, including a joint higher ministerial committee and a bilateral consultation committee. There are also more than 20 agreements and memorandums of understanding between the two countries. We are working to implement it in a way that benefits the governments and peoples of the two brotherly countries.

What are the developments in the political consultation committee between Bahrain and Sudan?
The third session of the Political Consultation Committee was scheduled to be held in Manama, and the two sides began early on arrangements to resume the work of the committee, as it will be held in the near future when the appropriate conditions are created and the arrangements are completed.

There are regional and international developments at the level of the two countries that require the convening of a political consultation committee to coordinate positions on issues of common interest.

How can the outcomes of the Arab Summit recently hosted by Bahrain be implemented to enhance joint Arab action?
– The “Bahrain Summit” is being held, and the Arab world is going through existential challenges, including those related to the Palestinian issue, where the Palestinian people are subjected to genocide by the Israeli aggression, in addition to the crises and wars that some Arab countries are experiencing, such as what is happening in Sudan, Syria, Libya, Yemen, and Iraq, and what is happening as well. In a region in the Red Sea, all of these issues require taking unified positions and renewing cooperation and solidarity to confront these problems. All of these issues were discussed by the “Bahrain Summit” and issued decisions and initiatives that strengthen Arab solidarity and cooperation.

How do you view the support that Bahrain provides to Sudan and its standing by its side in all circumstances?
– The Kingdom of Bahrain has remained supportive and supportive of the Republic of Sudan in all circumstances and times, and its positions are honorable and strong towards Sudan in regional and international forums and platforms.

In this regard, we extend our thanks and appreciation to the Kingdom of Bahrain under the leadership of His Majesty King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa, King of the country, and with the support of His Royal Highness Prince Salman bin Hamad Al Khalifa, the Crown Prince and Prime Minister, for its strong position in support of Sudan in the Renaissance Dam file and others. Of other issues.

Speaking about the developments in the war in Sudan, which has entered its second year, how can we work to end it?
Sudan is open to all initiatives, to find a solution to the crisis and end the suffering of the Sudanese, who were affected by the war launched by the rebel Rapid Support militia against the entire Sudanese people, forcibly displacing them from their homes, stealing their property, violating their rights, and practicing ethnic cleansing, extermination, rape and kidnapping.

Are there new international initiatives to act as a mediator to end the war that has led to an unprecedented humanitarian crisis?
The Jeddah Initiative, sponsored by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the United States of America, remains the most appropriate, and the Sudanese government has participated in it positively, out of its keenness to end the humanitarian crisis caused by the rebel militia on the Sudanese people.

We call on the international community and facilitating parties to put pressure on the rebel militia to adhere to what was agreed upon on May 11, 2023, including the evacuation of civilian objects and citizens’ homes so that routes for delivering relief and humanitarian aid to those affected can be opened without obstacles.

What about Egyptian mediation regarding finding solutions to the Sudan crisis?
The Sudanese government remained open to all initiatives and dealt with them positively, out of its keenness to end the war, stop the bloodshed, and alleviate the suffering of the Sudanese people due to the war launched by the rebel Rapid Support militia.

The Sudanese government welcomed the initiative of the neighboring countries called for by the sisterly Arab Republic of Egypt and looks forward to the results and conclusions it reaches.

48 political parties and movements in Cairo signed the “Sudan Charter” to manage the founding period. How will this lead to the establishment of a new state?
The priority at this stage is to end the rebellion by mobilizing energies and mobilizing the people, with their political and social components, to support the regular forces in order to defeat the rebellion and restore stability.

The signing of the “Sudan Charter” is a positive step towards a comprehensive agreement for the political and social forces to manage the transitional period and prepare for general elections in which transparency and integrity prevail, in which the Sudanese people freely choose who will rule them.

The war led to citizens losing their property, some of which was transported outside Sudan. How will arrangements be made to recover what was looted?
The rebel militia committed many crimes against citizens, including theft and looting of private property and the destruction of infrastructure and civilian objects.

Regarding the property of Sudanese citizens that were transferred abroad, the competent authorities are working in coordination with neighboring countries to recover the property that was reported. The government also holds the militia and the parties supporting it responsible for compensating the citizens for what they lost due to this war.

With your recent assumption of the ministerial portfolio, how will you work to restore Sudan’s role to the forefront again?
– Sudanese diplomacy has been and continues to work professionally to protect the supreme interests of the country, protect its citizens abroad, and work to develop cooperation with the international community and friendly and brotherly countries in all fields, for the benefit and prosperity of the Sudanese people, and coordination and cooperation with the international community and friendly and brotherly countries in relevant international and regional issues. Common interest.

What about the conditions of the Sudanese who were forced by the war to migrate to neighboring countries? Are there solutions to their situation?
– There is no doubt that the war launched by the rebel militia against the Sudanese citizen led to a large internal displacement and some took refuge in neighboring countries. In this regard, we extend our thanks to the sister countries that received large numbers of those who were forced by the circumstances of the war to take refuge there.

We point out here that our embassies in those countries are working to their maximum capacity in order to help citizens reconcile their situations and provide the necessary documents to help them settle and obtain education, treatment and residence services in accordance with the laws of those host countries.

Speaking of Sudan’s relations with Iran, how do you view them?
Sudan and Iran agreed to restore diplomatic relations and open embassies in the two countries to develop bilateral relations and cooperation in all fields, in a way that achieves the benefit and prosperity of the two peoples, within the framework of mutual respect for the sovereignty and independence of each other and non-interference in the other’s internal affairs.

What is Sudanese diplomatic policy based on to enhance its international cooperation?
Regarding diplomatic work, we work to communicate and negotiate with the international community to preserve the highest interests, preserve the country’s security and representation, protect nationals, and develop cooperation for the benefit of the country.

In this regard, diplomacy relies on its legacy and long experience in dealing with the international community.

Will the United Nations mission, UNITAMS, return to Sudan after ending its presence last February?
– The United Nations Mission “UNITAMS” committed serious mistakes, which contributed to the outbreak of the war that the Sudanese people suffer from to this day. Therefore, the Sudanese government took a decision to expel Envoy Volcker and end the “UNITAMS” mission, and this was done.

Regarding the Gaza war and the unprecedented humanitarian situation it is experiencing, how can efforts to achieve a ceasefire be strengthened?
– The Palestinian issue is the central issue for the Arab countries, and Sudan renews its condemnation and denunciation of the Israeli attack on the Palestinian people and confirms its rejection of the siege and destruction of Gaza.

Sudan calls for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza, rejects the attempt to displace the Palestinian people, and calls for addressing the root causes of the problem by ending the occupation, establishing an independent, fully sovereign Palestinian state with East Jerusalem as its capital, and enabling the Palestinian state to obtain full membership in the United Nations.

للمزيد : تابع خليجيون 24 ، وللتواصل الاجتماعي تابعنا علي فيسبوك وتويتر

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