
خطيبا الجمعة بالحرمين الشريفين يؤكدان عدم جواز الحج بلا تصريح شرعًا

القاهرة: «خليجيون 24» 

The imam and preacher of the Grand Mosque, Sheikh Dr. Abdullah bin Awad Al-Juhani, recommended fearing God Almighty, obeying what He commanded, and avoiding what He forbade and rebuked.

His Eminence said in the Friday sermon that he delivered today at the Grand Mosque: “Every year, as the month of Dhul-Hijjah approaches, the hearts of many believers yearn for the Sacred House of God, and yearn to perform Hajj to it. They dream of seeing the ancient House that God Almighty has blessed, chosen for it with goodness, and bestowed upon it and upon those who… Make a pilgrimage to Him, to the clouds of His mercy and the abundance of His forgiveness, security, and generosity, in response to the call of Ibrahim Al-Khalil, peace and blessings of God be upon him, his Lord (So make the hearts of some people long toward them, and provide them with fruits that they may give thanks).”

His Eminence explained that Hajj to the Sacred House of God is an individual obligation for every Muslim man and woman once in his entire life for whoever is able to do so, and whoever is able to do Hajj and does not do so is a disobedient sinner and is in great danger. God Almighty said (And to God is the duty of the people to perform Hajj to the House, whoever is able to do it. way, and whoever disbelieves, God is Self-sufficient of the worlds.)

He stated that among the things that should be mentioned in this regard is the attention to the Sharia statement of the Council of Senior Scholars in the Kingdom calling for the impermissibility of Hajj without a permit, supporting that blessed statement with the general principles of Sharia law and the universal jurisprudential rules that stipulate the necessity of repelling harm before and after it occurs, and prioritizing warding off harms over bringing harm. interests, bearing private harm to ward off general harm, taking into account the consequences resulting from acts of boldness or reluctance, the obligation to obey the ruler in what is good and the prohibition of violating him, in addition to taking into account the five necessary interests (self, religion, honor, money, and mind) that the noble Sharia came to preserve and establish. And removing everything that disturbs it, or makes it malfunction or malfunction, as is the case with the serious damages and multiple risks resulting from not adhering to obtaining a permit for Hajj in this era.


His Eminence explained that Hajj is a practical manifestation of Islamic brotherhood and the unity of the Islamic nation, as Muslims gather to perform this worship as the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him and his family, performed it with great greetings. Through this gathering, the benefits of imitation and remembrance are obtained, and the veneration of God’s rituals. When a Muslim stands in these sacred feelings, he senses the truths. Which she had fallen into, including the story of Abraham, peace and blessings be upon him, and his wife Hagar, when she said: To whom will you leave us? He said to God, she said: Then God will not let us lose, and the story of the infant who checked his feet due to thirst and his mother running between Safa and Marwah in search of relief until she completed seven laps and water sprang from under the feet of the infant Ishmael, peace and blessings be upon him, and the story of building the house and raising the foundations on monotheism and pure faith in God alone. He has no partner and the story of the beginnings of Muhammad’s prophecy and its wondrous forerunners, then prophecy, the message, the call, harm, patience, endurance, migration, then conquest and victory.


His Eminence said: When a Muslim stands in these situations and senses these facts, he feels close to God at His Sacred House. These meanings and these reminders swirl around him and dominate his feelings and sensations. He sees around him nothing but the oneness of God and sincerity in worshiping Him, so he holds himself accountable for his actions in his country, and did he spend it? Something that is obligatory for God for someone other than God, so he repents and returns with a sound heart, pure and beautiful deeds, and a pure and pure belief. All of these rulings and goals revolve around the meaning that connects man with his Creator, and connects the people of the earth with the Lord of Heaven and Earth. It is the meaning that is appropriate for people to always come together on it, to purify hearts from The filths of polytheism and the detestable acts of paganism, that belief under which the differences of races, colours, languages, countries and classes are hidden, and the reality of slavery and brotherhood is revealed. Everyone wears the same clothing, worshiping one God, not the God of God. They find the power of unity and the benefit of solidarity under the banner of faith. This gathering was called for by his saying: God Almighty: And proclaim among the people the Hajj. They will come to you on foot, and on every lean-to, they will come from every deep valley Do not associate anything with Me, neither in little nor in much, neither in word nor in deed. Neither in marching nor in chanting, but rather it is the abstraction of intention and action to God alone and abandoning everything else, so that none but God is worshiped, nor is anyone called except God, and only the name of God is mentioned in reverence and greatness, in glorification and praise, and in response and submission, in calmness, reverence, tranquility, and reverence, and in Humiliation and brokenness.

The imam and preacher of the Grand Mosque added: “I be very careful not to spend something that is due to someone else, for that is a decline from the heights of faith to the depths of polytheism, and God forbid.”

He stressed that Hajj is a great season for earning rewards and expiating sins, during which the servant stands before his Lord, acknowledging his monotheism, acknowledging his sin and inability to fulfill the rights of his Lord, so he returns from Hajj pure of sins as the day his mother gave birth to him.

He said: My advice to you, the pilgrims of the Sacred House of God, is to be careful that your Hajj is accepted. He, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, said (And the accepted Hajj has no reward except Paradise) Narrated by Al-Bukhari, and an accepted Hajj is one that is not mixed with sin, no obscenity, immorality, argument, evil, or recklessness. No hypocrisy or reputation.

Dr. Al-Juhani called on the guests of the Most Gracious to fear God and know that God, Blessed and Most High, is watching you at all your times and in all your conditions, and know that you have served and been sufficient.

His Eminence also affirmed that the Kingdom, the protector of the Two Holy Mosques, has exerted all its economic, social, guidance and guidance capabilities to provide comfort for the pilgrims to the Holy House of God and for visitors to the Mosque of His Messenger, may God bless him and grant him peace, so that the pilgrim performs the rituals of Hajj in security, stability, prosperity and psychological comfort, so that no room for immorality and controversy is left for anyone. And there is no room left for violating the sanctity of the holy places through illegal gatherings and chants and harming Muslims at the House of the Lord of the Worlds and at the Mosque of the Master of the Messengers, peace and blessings be upon him. And God, Blessed and Most High, is jealous of His sanctities, protects His sanctities, and guards His delegations. He gives victory to His servants whom He placed in the service of the Two Holy Mosques, for the corrupter has nothing but failure, disgrace, punishment from God, and hatred from people.

The imam and preacher of the Sacred Mosque concluded his sermon by saying, “And you are facing the blessed ten days of Dhul-Hijjah, the nights of which God swore to be in the Book, and the days whose status God has magnified in the decisive speech,” so He, may He be glorified, said (and the dawn and the ten nights) and he, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him and his family and grant them peace, said: There is no The days of good deeds are more beloved to God Almighty than these ten days. They said, O Messenger of God, not even jihad for the sake of God? He said: Not even jihad for the sake of God, except for a man who went out with his person and his money, and then did not return with anything from that. It was narrated by Al-Bukhari, and Imam Muslim narrated on the authority of Umm Salamah, may God be pleased with her, on the authority of the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, who said: If the ten days have begun and one of you wants to sacrifice, he should not take anything from his hair or nails until he sacrifices, so where are those who hasten to get up and fast? And those who compete in it to do good deeds and seize them, so inhale and breathe in the scents of goodness, and be exposed to the scents of God’s mercy whenever it hurts, and seize them, for they are days whose bounty is abundant, and desires are as dear as they are, for supplications in them are accepted, and desires in them are neglected.


In Medina, the imam and preacher of the Prophet’s Mosque, Sheikh Dr. Salah bin Muhammad al-Badir, advised Muslims to fear God, for piety is the angel of the commandments and their accompanying the best of attributes. God Almighty said (O you who have believed, fear God as He should be feared, and do not die except while you have submitted).


His Eminence said, O pilgrims, pilgrims, and visitors: You have made the best advances, and you have taken the best spoils, and your walk has been blessed, and mercy has enveloped you, and congratulations to you for visiting the pure lands, the bright spots, the bright areas, and the pure cities of Mecca and Medina, making it clear that you are in the places of scents, the places of mercy, the abode of blessings, and the places of good deeds. House, and he entered ihram for Hajj, and he did not commit obscene acts, did not commit immorality, and did not mix with any sin until he completed his ritual. He would be forgiven for his previous sins and sins. He, peace and blessings be upon him, said (Whoever performs Hajj and does not commit obscene acts or commit immorality, will return as his mother gave birth to him), agreed upon.

He added, saying, “Protect the Two Holy Mosques, honor their sanctity, respect their status, and beware of anything that disturbs the peace of rituals and feelings.” He warned against false arguments, disputes, quarrels, intersections, quarrels, discord, and separation, and do not make Hajj a scene of disputes, quarrels, bickering, and enmity, nor a place for chants, fanaticism, and partisanship. God Almighty said, “Hajj is the most famous of peoples.” And he died, then he died There is no obscenity, no immorality, and no quarreling during the Hajj.


His Eminence pointed out the need for the pilgrim to understand the rituals before putting on the ihram and heading to the Sacred House of God, and to ask the people of knowledge about what is troubling him, warning against asking the ignorant for a fatwa and asking those who are not familiar with knowledge and fatwas. How many pilgrims have begun to perform their rituals without understanding its rulings, so they neglected a pillar or a fatwa. Drop a condition. God Almighty said (and complete the Hajj and the Umrah for God).

The imam and preacher of the Prophet’s Mosque advised the pilgrims to adhere to the Sunnahs with luminous references and beware of heresies and innovations, saying, “Do not bow to the dead, do not hope for healing from mortal remains, do not seek blessings from graves, do not seek healing in them, do not throw food, grains, money, prayer beads, and clothes on them, do not seek help from the dead, and do not ask them to fill needs and relieve longings, and raise To God alone are the needs, desires, and supplications, and beware of imitating the people of quackery, nonsense, and superstition.


He added, O pilgrims, do not seek blessings from a wall or door, do not anoint yourself from a pulpit or a niche, and do not seek blessings from a cave, a mountain, a rock, or stones, for blessings are not sought from inanimate objects. His Eminence addressed the pilgrims, saying, Have mercy on the weak, the women, the elderly, and the elderly, and do not harm them, do not push them, do not harass them, and make room for them. May God grant you and you kindness, slowness, gentleness, gentleness, forgiveness, and abandoning crowding. Repent and seek forgiveness a lot, and remember the majesty of the place and the honor of the time.


At the conclusion of the sermon, the imam and preacher of the Prophet’s Mosque urged Muslims to adhere to what is required by Sharia policy and the prevailing interest in determining the number of pilgrims each year. There is no Hajj except with a permit through the official authorities in order to prevent the evils of crowding and to prevent chaos and disturbances during Hajj.


للمزيد : تابع خليجيون 24 ، وللتواصل الاجتماعي تابعنا علي فيسبوك وتويتر

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