أخبار العالم

السفير حسام زكي: الجامعة العربية لا توجد بها قوائم تصنيف لمنظمات إرهابية

Assistant Secretary-General of the Arab League, Ambassador Hossam Zaki, announced that the Arab League does not have any classification lists for terrorist organizations; and that the removal of the label “terrorist” from the Lebanese Hezbollah, which began in 2016, was dropped at the Jeddah Arab Summit in 2023 in light of several regional developments.


This came in explanatory press statements by Ambassador Hossam Zaki in response to what was published by Lebanese media outlets affiliated with Hezbollah following a recent visit by Ambassador Hossam Zaki as an envoy on behalf of the Secretary-General of the Arab League to Lebanon.


Ambassador Hossam Zaki continued that the last Bahrain Summit also witnessed a remarkable development represented in the replacement of two previously formed committees, namely the “Committee on Iranian Interference in the Internal Affairs of Arab Countries” and the “Committee on Iranian Interference in the Internal Affairs of Arab Countries.” "The Committee on Turkish Interference in the Internal Affairs of Arab Countries", with another new committee, which is the "Committee on Foreign Interference in the Internal Affairs of Arab Countries", explaining that no decision was issued regarding the issue of Iranian interference in Arab countries at the Bahrain Summit, and therefore the decision and the name were removed, among other things." …The Arab League’s decisions regarding Lebanon require the Secretary-General to communicate with the political forces, noting that the development regarding removing the label of “terrorist” Which was linked to Hezbollah, will enable the Arab League to communicate better with Hezbollah as a bloc represented in the Lebanese parliament.


Regarding the issue of the presidential vacancy in Lebanon, Ambassador Hossam Zaki highlighted that developments in the issue of the presidential vacancy are taking place at an unsatisfactory pace for those following this matter, and he said: "During the visit to Lebanon, we spoke with many Lebanese, and we found that the prevailing opinion among everyone is that there is a link between the absence of the position of the President of the Republic on the one hand, and the limited powers of the government on the other hand, with the erosion of the role of state institutions and the gradual absence of the role of the state, which is reflected in everything in the country."


It is noteworthy that Ambassador Hossam Zaki, Assistant Secretary-General of the Arab League, visited Lebanon last week as a personal envoy from Mr. Ahmed Aboul Gheit, Secretary-General of the Arab League, where he met with various Lebanese leaders and political forces. The visit focused on two aspects: the presidential vacancy and solidarity with Lebanon in the face of the Israeli escalation towards southern Lebanon.

للمزيد : تابع خليجيون 24 ، وللتواصل الاجتماعي تابعنا علي فيسبوك وتويتر

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